FLEAT member feature: M’theto Lungu

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M’theto Lungu has been very active in the environmental sector and has been involved with SAFCEI for quite a few years. He joined the second regional Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT 2) regional group in 2017, representing Malawi Council of Churches and the Central African Presbyterian Church.

M’theto writes: “My full names are M'theto BlakM'El Edwin Lungu and by nature, I am a green advocate from birth.

I live in Malawi's capital Lilongwe, and got connected to serious environmental/ climate change Advocacy back in 2002 thereabout.

Being a FLEAT 2 member, I also speak about the environment at every opportunity during the various activities I am engaged in both at the local and national platforms.

My first engagement was very personal, planting trees at my bare land/ plot, which is now quiet some jungle of fruits and natural trees. An envy of so many neighbours and visitors, most of whom I encourage to plant and plant even at the domestic front.

I then was enrolled with the Malawi Council of Churches (MCC) to put up an Advocacy strategy towards the We Have Faith (WHF) - Act Now! For Climate Justice East and Southern African campaign towards COP17 (Conference of Parties) of the UNCCC in Durban. Thus I led a team of 7 Malawians youths on the WHF Caravan which set off from Nairobi through Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, to South Africa.

I also led the formation of the Malawi Interfaith Youth for Climate Justice (Mainy4C-Justice) which managed through the MCC to send a representative to a youth environmental conference in Harare, Zimbabwe, to discuss youth action at the SADC level.

I again led the national organising interfaith committee through the ACT Malawi Forum towards COP21 in Paris.

Equally designing petitions and awareness materials such as posters, banners, t-shirts and caps pitting for world leaders to embark on a 1.0° emissions reduction agreement, I also led the Media Relations team, covering the 2017 WHF Cycling Campaign from Maputo Mozambique, through South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania to Nairobi Kenya, before presenting the close to 1 million petitions at an event in Paris France graced by the French environmental minister and the then UNCCC chairperson Ms. Christina Figueres

My work now includes programming around climate change and environment at a personal, Qanda EcoCentre, at Chinkhoma in Kasungu under the iDEA (Inform, Dare, Engage and Act) initiative where am introducing agroforestry (both natural and hybrid trees, including fruits such as mangoes and citrus range), banana plantains, and vegetables. I also raise rabbits and local chicken apart from observing organic agriculture - where organic chicken droppings and tobacco remnants manure is promoted.

Since 2005, I have also been part of the Expert Matter Committee representing the MCC, led by the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) in the ministry responsible for environment.

iDEA is yet to get funding to organise environmental orientations, workshops, trainings, produce locally viable IEC and agro-materials for benefit of the community.

To retain more interest and prop up awareness, iDEA is in the process of engaging use of popular education (drama, dance, storytelling) and sports (soccer and netball) trophies for young people."

M’theto has been a partner to SAFCEI in Malawi. His passion and vast knowledge environmental justice issues is always displayed in his work in communities.