FLEAT in Malawi

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malawi_2016_04FLEAT met in Malawi from 10 - 15 October for their last official workshop before they embark on the next phase of their journey: inspiring others to care for Creation and spreading the word on environmental justice.

Malawi was identified as one of the countries that would benefit from the FLEAT experience after the flooding in January 2015. The Zomba area in the Southern Region was the most affected during the flooding and it was where the members were accommodated during the training programme.

On arrival in Blantyre the team were taken to the Malawi Broadcasting Commission for an interview which aired on Tuesday morning on the programme “Good Morning Malawi” hosted by presenter Arthur Chokoto followed by a follow-up interview during the community workshop that aired on Thursday.

FLEAT members presented on environmental sustainability to a delegation of 50 faith leaders from different faith groups. Much interest was shown from faith leaders for further training from in future.


On Friday the team visited a nursery in Zomba and met with a few faith leaders who shared their plans on planting trees across Malawi. 38 nursery groups had already been established and over 132 000 seedlings planted along the river banks Lilongwe and Zomba. The video below showcases this work: