Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy – July 2019

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Have a look at what our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) members have been up to this month.

Allen Ottaro - CYNESA- FLEAT Regional Group 1:

The Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) hosted the International LaudatoSi conference on 15th July in Nairobi.  The event marked the 4th anniversary of the encyclical letter and CYNESA's 5th anniversary.

FLEAT Kenya:

Center For Sustainable Development -Kenya has developed a social media campaign dubbed #miminimombasa aiming to transform the mindset on how to change the narrative on waste management and disposal in Mombasa County.

FLEAT South Africa:

About 100 volunteers arrived to clean up our local dam in Benoni! For 67 minutes for Mandela Day. I joined them, great to create awareness about SAFCEI.

Lisa Johnstone, Methodist from Gauteng.

Manibijara Pule, Anglican from Free State planting the Peace tree at Grace Mission Church on Mandela Day.

Faith Leader Energy Programme:

Soraya Salie, Muslim faith leader from Cape Town participated in our Faith Leader Energy Programme (FLEP) at the Shalimar Gardens Hotel on 15th and 16th July.

FLEAT Zimbabwe:

We held a successful Clean up Campaign of on Friday 5th of July at Harare Central Prison.

We thank our support partners Act Alliance for availing the required resources and SAFCEI for capacity building.

There was overwhelming support from Zimbabwe Council member churches and the Muslim faiths.

Sebia Kwarama, Methodist.

FLEAT Regional 2 Group Meeting Tanzania:

We hosted our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) Regional Group 2 workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 23rd to 25th July.

Participants presented the work they have been up to since last year’s workshop in Malawi, evaluated their reach and impact, discussed Food Systems; prepared inputs to our Policy Conference taking place in November;  learned about Animal Welfare and Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots program, which was presented by Gumbo Mhandeni; and visited the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Tanzania where Senior National Coordinator, Nehemiah Murusuri discussed  youth inclusions in the GEF Small Grants Programme.

The workshop concluded with the group planning for ahead for the next phase of their advocacy projects in their faith communities.

Click here for more FLEAT news.