Together with Malte Killander, a Master's student in Globalization, Environment, and Social Change at Stockholm University, we have developed a three-part fact sheet series that provides valuable insights into the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its potential impact on South Africa.
This series focuses on the implications of CBAM within the context of South Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy. It emphasizes how the EU’s policy could affect South Africa’s trade relations, given the carbon-intensive nature of its energy system. Malte Killander's research-backed analysis offers critical perspectives on how South Africa might address these challenges, particularly in terms of its energy transition.
The series explores how CBAM could influence South Africa’s broader environmental policies and strategies for achieving a Just Transition, offering valuable insights for policymakers, businesses, and environmental organizations.
Download the factsheets here.
SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) is a multi-faith organisation committed to supporting faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa to increase awareness, understanding and action on eco-justice, sustainable living and climate change.
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