Day 4 in Paris

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By Lydia Mogano

Although the beginning of my day was a bit bizarre because of the security constraints we have here in Paris, I still managed to make the most of my day worthwhile. I was held by the police in the morning because the police suspected that I could be a threat. It is our rolled A3 climate justice petition I was holding in my hand that got me in trouble……so much for being a climate activist in Paris! After about 30 mins of investigations, I was finally set free.

Speaking of freedom, I am proud to say that Faith communities are making their efforts to raise their voices in Paris. From side events, corridors and public foyers, faith communities are visible and audible. As part of the We Have Faith Campaign, we are bringing a message of hope, reconciliation and climate justice.

SAFCEI is also networking and strategizing around what happens beyond Paris. For instance, we are considering the kind of support we are going to offer our governments and how we ensure accountability to the people. At times, these “unofficial” exchanges of ideas, experiences, practical solutions and contacts are taken for granted, but they are as important as the policy outcomes (i.e. the Paris agreement).

Although not visible, I am also confident that the on-going prayers and fasting that many people are still offering to protect and guide the COP processes in Paris are significant! The climate justice journey will not end until justice is served. Climate justice is possible when we work together!