Cage-Free Eggs Global Campaign: SAFCEI letter to Marriott Hotels

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Dear Marriott leadership,

I represent The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI), a multi-faith organisation committed to increasing awareness, understanding and action-taking on eco-justice, sustainable living, animal protection and climate change by faith leaders and their communities in Southern Africa. SAFCEI is also a member of the global coalition, the Open Wing Alliance.

The Open Wing Alliance has secured global commitments to source exclusively cage-free eggs from some of the world's largest companies and egg purchasers including Wyndham Worldwide, InterContinental Hotels, Accor Hotels, General Mills, Unilever, Nestle, Lidl,  Aldi, Aramark, Sodexo, Mondelez, and Compass Group.

Marriott made a cage-free commitment in 2013, with a timeline of being 100% cage-free worldwide by 2015. While cage-free has become the new global standard, Marriott has failed to meet this deadline.

I am writing to inform you that our organization will be participating in a global campaign to see Marriott commit to sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs throughout your global supply chain. In over 55 countries in which Marriott operates, the Open Wing Alliance will be creating customized websites and videos, sharing online petitions, running online advertisements, purchasing outdoor and print ads, and distributing literature to customers outside Marriott hotels. Our coalition will also be contacting your business partners, investors, and other affiliations around the world and incorporating them into our public campaign.

To be clear, we would like to see Marriott:

  • Publish a commitment and timeline to go 100% cage-free for all shell, liquid and ingredient eggs globally by 2025 or sooner for all locations owned, operated, franchised, and otherwise;
  • Commit to public annual progress reporting to ensure transparency; and
  • Translate and publish the global cage-free policy on regional levels into the native languages.

Other major companies have already made this commitment. By releasing a policy that addresses these criteria, Marriott will be in line with the new industry standard.

We will keep you updated as our global public campaign progresses.

Thank you for your attention,

Mandla Gqamlana

Company Relations and Campaigns Coordinator