Cage-Free Eggs Global Campaign: Marriott Hotels response to SAFCEI

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Dear Mandla,

Thank you for your email. At Marriott International, we have been focused on operating responsibly throughout our company’s history. Late last year, we launched our new sustainability & social impact platform, Serve 360: Doing Good in Every Direction, which includes next-generation goals to guide our efforts through 2025. Serve 360 commits us to reducing our environmental impacts, building & operating sustainable hotels, and driving responsibility throughout our supply chain.

Within the Responsible Sourcing focus area, we have set ambitious goals including a target to responsibly source 95% of our top 10 priority categories by 2025. The top 10 priority categories were determined by analyzing our operations, as well as the environmental and social impacts and effects of our offerings. The responsible sourcing of eggs is included within the top 10 priority category of animal proteins, and continues our long-standing commitment to move our egg supply to 100% cage-free. In support of the humane treatment of animals, Marriott International initially launched a cage-free egg program for its JW brand in 2011. This was expanded in 2013 committing that any Marriott International egg specifications be cage-free (for eggs and liquid egg products) by 2015. Due to unforeseen supply chain issues such as the impact of avian flu, this first-generation goal was extended in 2015, and as of today, is now a part of our next-generation sustainability & social impact goals to source responsibly. We acknowledge that this is a continuing endeavor across our 30 brands and are committed to collaborating with our suppliers, partners, and others to advance these efforts and achieve our goals.

We recognize that animal welfare is an important part of a safe and responsible food & product supply chain and are therefore working to publish our animal welfare position statement in early 2019. We have also recently published our first report post the launch of Serve 360, which includes information about our commitments to responsible sourcing. To read the report and learn about our animal welfare efforts and progress towards our next-generation goals, please visit We are also available to discuss our efforts further should that be of interest.

Thank you,

The Sustainability Team

Marriott International, Inc.