Veganuary 2022 Interfaith cooking webinar

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Religions for Peace Interfaith Youth Climate Forum, celebrated Veganuary 2022, with an Interfaith cooking webinar. Youth shared their vegan recipes with a live demonstration and teachings from their faith that connects us to live a conscious healthy vegan lifestyle from a spiritual perspective in relation to Mother Earth.

Watch the recording:

Here's is the recipe e-book of all the vegan recipes shared. Enjoy!

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- Mr. Delwyn Pillay, (Christian Faith): Del’s Imifino/Bhaji

- Ms. Nita Makanjee, (BrahmaKumaris): Sweetcorn Fritters & Chocolate Cake

- Mr. Kurveshan Perumaul, (Hindu Faith): Veg Fried Rice & Tomato and Chickpea Salsa

- Ms. Kirtanya Lutchminarayan, (Hindu Faith): Vegan Tacos & Guacamole

- Mr. Mark Shaldon Naicker, (Christian Faith): Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream

- Ms. Merylene Chitharai, (Hindu Faith): Homemade Vegan Smoothies

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