Season of Creation materials

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Celebrating a Season of Creation

The annual celebration of a six week Season of Creation has become increasingly common in churches throughout the world. Within the Orthodox tradition 1 September has long been regarded as the first Day of Creation, and over a number of years there have been calls by church bodies for an annual six week celebration of a Season of Creation, beginning on the Sunday nearest 1 September. For us in the South (geographically!) this period coincides symbolically with the start of spring.

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Sample liturgy: Season of Creation

A sample for Season of Creation, which was created by St. Andrew's Church

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Liturgy: Season of Creation

This resource material for a ‘Season of Creation’ has been developed by a team of passionate people, in order to help the Anglican Church rise to the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. Our prayer is that as we explore our faith from a Creation perspective, we will be inspired to cherish and protect our world.

Download Season of Creation 1 here

Download Season of Creation 1 (Afrikaans) here

Download Season of Creation 2 here

Download Season of Creation 3 here