SAFCEI #EnergyPlan4All Vigil - 25 July 2023

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Join us to vigil outside Parliament in Cape Town on 25 July to demand an affordable, reliable and safe #EnergyPlan4All now! Please note the new time, we will gather from 12 noon to 2 pm.

If you are not able to come in person, please join online, share a selfie and/or pics of your local vigil on #energyjustice #climatejustice.

On 25 July we will be commemorating African Day for Seas and Oceans. We will be raising awareness about the energy crisis and the dangers of gas exploration as well as nuclear energy to the oceans and the environment.

  • We demand affordable, safe, and access to just, clean energy and a #NuclearFreeSA.
  • We reject to all offshore oil and gas projects in our ocean.

To join us, please email:

#NuclearFreeSA #EnergyPlan4All #WhoStoleOurOceans #Earthkeepers