McDonald's commits to sourcing cage-free eggs

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On 14 November McDonald's South Africa announced that it would implement a cage-free policy when it came to the sourcing of their eggs, transitioning  to a 100% cage-free supply chain by 2025. This comes after continued efforts from Human Society International and other animal welfare organisations, including our One Web of Life programme,  to engage McDonald's South Africa on this issue.

Frank Molteno, from OWL, says:

"SAFCEI, represented by our One Web of Life (OWL) programme, welcomes McDonald's announcement with thankfulness. We congratulate McDonald's on realising that this is the way of the future as more and more people of faith grasp that compassion can know no bounds because we all - all creatures - have the same Source. At the same time, we are mindful of the terror, pain and suffering of the hens who will continue to lay McDonald's' eggs over the next 8 or 9 years as per McDonald's' timeline. Having 'under-promised' on the pace at which they can make the transition to cage-free eggs, we encourage McDonald's to 'over-deliver' and beat their target of 2025 by as many years as possible."

Click here to read Human Society International's press release on this news.

See McDonald's commitment below.