Invitation to SAFCEI's Faith Leader Energy Programme 15-16 July 2019

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Invitation to SAFCEI's Faith Leader Energy Programme 15 - 16 July 2019

Dear Faith Leader,

Ethical governance of energy urgently needs to be addressed in South Africa. We have seen evidence of this in the episodes of load shedding, annual Eskom tariff increases, and last week the merging of the Energy and Mining portfolios by President Ramaphosa under one Minister, Mr. Gwede Mantashe.

In response to South Africa's energy crisis, SAFCEI has created a new Faith Leadership Energy Programme (FLEP) to provide a platform for learning and common action across different faiths on energy justice. We would like to invite you as a person of faith, who has a position of leadership in your faith and/or in your community to apply for this programme.

Purpose:  The purpose of the Faith Leader Energy Programme is to equip and empower faith leaders with skills and knowledge to campaign on energy justice issues and raise awareness on ethical governance.

Target Group: 20- 25 Faith Leaders from different denominations, and spiritual convictions from different organisations, denominations and institutions are invited.

How to Apply:  If you have time and can commit to attend three (3) sessions of two days over the next six (6) months to a learning process, and are interested in, and have a passion for addressing environmental injustice, please complete the application form attached, and include your motivation for wanting to do the course.

Please include a letter of support/recommendation from your faith leader and send it to SAFCEI.

SAFCEI will cover training fees, course materials, accommodation, meals and transport reimbursement for successful applicants. In turn, we expect commitment to complete the course and fulfill the requirements for the course between each session.

This first workshop will be a two-day introduction, sharing and learning with input from eco-justice perspectives. Issues of energy and how it affects water, electricity access, land, waste management, and practical action will be explored. Three workshops are planned for 2019 and dates will be agreed at the first course. Those that enroll in the first course are expected to complete the full programme.

Participants will be required to take experiences from the workshops and apply them in their faith communities between training sessions. Participants are expected to commit to working together with others in their own communities or communities of faith between training sessions.

Download the Application form in PDF or Word.

Please send your applications to V****ainola Makan at with "FLEP Application" in the subject line. For any further queries, call 073 893 7140. Applications close: 30 June 2019

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Vainola Makan SAFCEI Energy Justice Programme Coordinator