Green TLC WhatsApp Channel

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Today we are starting our Green TLC WhatsApp channel.

We want to deliver one content from Christian and one from a natural scientific perspective to you per week. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the environment in your context, church or community.

Please feel free to join the group here. Click here to view The Green TLC resources.

While we are waiting for Christmas, we are invited to think about the creation story in the beginning of the Bible. In Genesis 1, God creates the heavens and the earth and all life.

God loves his creation so much that God himself becomes a part of this creation and of precious life on earth as a human.

When we celebrate Christmas, we can therefore also remember and celebrate the creation that God made, and that we are a part of. Christmas reminds and invites us to admire and to protect what God provides us with.

__For it was very good.