FLEAT gets underway in Harare, Zimbabwe

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Liz McDaid reporting back

29 September 2015


Another FLEAT workshop kicks off in Harare, Zimbabwe. Mr Gabriel Manyangadze opened the FLEAT agenda with a spiritual sharing. He spoke about how our earth system was pronounced good by God when it was created.  We need to all do something to restore the ecology that we can stand back and say that it is good.

After an inspiring session feeding back from the participants on the amazing actions that have taken place since FLEAT in Zambia in June, participants took a well deserved tea break.

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Ibrahim Matamanda presented on the environmental challenges of Zimbabwe. From the Islamic perspective, there are many sayings about planting trees.

IMG_2050Ecosystem damage through veld fires, gold mining or panning is something of a problem. Also included is land degradation through digging pits in the land to build bricks. Also wetland that are now being cultivated.

1 October 2015

IMG_2164 IMG_2191IMG_2203 IMG_2190 tree planting ceremony 2 tree planting ceremony

FLEAT visited the Fatima Zahra School and joined them in their environmental celebration day. There was drama, poetry and speeches, as well as a tree planting ceremony.
