Join our Cage-Free Eggs Campaign Webinar on 4 July 2023

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Join us for our Cage-Free Eggs Campaign webinar on 4 July 2023 from 2 PM to 3 PM (SAST).

The webinar has been designed to build up our collective social media campaigning skills.

During the webinar, we will delve into the cage-free movement, shedding light on the current developments in Southern Africa on government policy, and discuss actions that can be taken.

To register for the webinar, please join us:

Webinar presenters include: Sonia Mountford (EATegrity), Zwelisha Shobede (Cage-Free Campaign Coordinator, SAFCEI), and Francesca de Gasparis (Executive Director, SAFCEI).

Key highlights of the workshop include:

  1. A brief history of the cage-free eggs campaign.
  2. Updated statistics on cage-free eggs in South Africa for the year 2023.
  3. The significance of the Earthkeepers' Fast Action Network (FAN) and its role in social media advocacy.
  4. How to use the Toolkit and the OWA Action App for effective online social media action.
  5. Training faith leaders on leveraging SAFCEI's Earthkeepers' FAN and various social media platforms for online activism.

By the end of the workshop, Earthkeepers like yourself will:

  1. Gain the necessary skills to undertake social media campaigning independently.
  2. Acquire comprehensive knowledge about the cage-free movement, including its historical background and effective social media tactics against corporates.

Click here to view the draft programme: /uploads/Final-Programme-Cage-Free-SA-Webinar-4-July-2023.docx-1.pdf

Stay updated and join the conversation by following the hashtag #CageFreeSA on social media platforms.

To receive the latest cage-free campaign updates, kindly follow us on social media at @safcei.