Botswana adds 500 trees to world's 3.04 trillion

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By M'thetho Lungu*

8th Sept. '15. Gaborone. BOTSWANA: In just two days of its We Have Faith Act Now Climate Justice cycling caravan campaign, Botswana has already started planting its 500 trees committed through the 516km stretch.

Bishop Champion Malongwa, chairperson of the Botswana Council of Churches (BCC) and National Ambassador for the campaign told an official reception of the South African cyclists at Tlokweng border control, that Botswana was committed to the cause.

"As a country we have serious water and far reaching environmental effects. I am now old, but my interest is to see that present and especially future generations do not suffer. Botswana is cycling for this cause because we understand climate change has affected us economically and in many ways."

"We are planting trees in this campaign and will continue to plant trees beyond this era of environmental awareness," he said.

Government, local authority, faith based, security, civil society, community leaders and youth groups attended the ceremony.

Councillor Segokgo, who planted the first tree, said cycling is the best way to go.

"As we plant more trees, we should start to cut on emissions. Cycling does not pollute the way vehicles and industrial machines do. We can get to work and business by cycling," he advised.

Act Alliance representative Penelope Kamungoma gave the genesis of the campaign and asked local, national, and global leaders to think of the vulnerable groups, especially women, when developing socio economic programs.

"When there is no water, we suffer more, going distances hunting for water. We are the ones that go out early to fetch firewood kilometres away from our homes. When you discuss and dialogue over the processes building up to COP21, think about women," she said.

Station Commander, Robson Maleka, said the police, just like every other good citizen, must plant trees. Two trees were symbolically planted at the Botswana Police's headquartets at Tlokweng.

Botswana will cycle 516km from Gaborone to Ramokgwap border with Zimbabwe taking 6days

Latest data shows the world has 3.04 trillion trees.

*M'thetho is travelling with the We Have Faith cycling caravan as the official media person