Beat Air Pollution this World Environment Day

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As the World Environment Day approaches to its remembrance (5th June), with the theme - ‘Beat Air Pollution’ what are your plans as an individual or contribution to any group you belong to in creating environmental values/footprints?

Recently, the United Nations in many fora has indicated the killing spree of air pollution, especially as a silent killer. The truth is that nature gives us back whatever we give her or how we treat her. The UN has also confirmed that shifting to renewable energy could save up to 150 million lives by the end of the century amid concerns that six billion people regularly inhale polluted air that puts their life, health, and well-being at risk.

At the Human Rights Council in Geneva, David Boyd, a Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, insisted that air pollution is a “silent, sometimes invisible, prolific killer” which affected women and girls more than men. We can imagine the sustainability of this world without our girls/women folks.

Unfortunately, the right to a healthy environment is only legally recognised by 155 States, (as noted by Dr. Boyd).

Air pollutants are everywhere, largely caused by burning fossil fuels for electricity, transportation, and heating, as well as from industrial activities, poor waste management and agricultural practices,”.

The bane of this whole point is that these economic survival activities are at lock-ahead with environmental sustainability issues and compromises the consideration of what we need to do to reduce air pollution.

Air pollution is present both inside homes and outside and is responsible for the premature death of seven million people each year, including 600,000 children, according to UN reports.

In every hour, 800 people are dying, the worst is many after years of suffering, from cancer, respiratory illnesses or heart disease directly caused by breathing polluted air’.

The good news here is that these trends and silent killing situations can be prevented and addressed.

🌳 - We must reduce our air pollution footprint, especially in our industries, the airline sector, waste disposal, and management styles, etc. through the use and adoption of technologies that reduce air pollution.

🌲 - We must change our air pollution causing lifestyles/behaviors, engage in sustainable lifestyles that reduce air pollution.

🌲🌳 - Trees can help us cool temperatures in cities!!

🌴- Trees can bring mental health and well-being benefits for people (UN report), and largely help deal with the rising suicide incidents in our country.

🌲🌱🌳 - Trees are definitely the key way to mitigate #climatechange

🌱 - Trees can help us deal with the life-threatening air pollution cases, Trees have the natural ability to reduce air pollution through carbon sequestration and the release of oxygen for human consumption and other living organisms.

🌱 - In addition, it’s evident that Trees, especially those planted within urban areas (urban forestry) can significantly absorb/adsorb environmental Noise Pollution, and provide other great ecosystem services.

Therefore, I wish to encourage all of us to plant at least (3) three trees  to commemorate this year’s World Environment Day or better still organize some events or programs within your space to create awareness around air pollution, engage community tree planting events, create awareness on things we need to do to prevent and address the already polluted air within our areas/space. It’s a collective responsibility and must be addressed by all.

I have decided to make out time from now till 5th of June as a personal contribution to technical support anyone who needs support in organizing a community-based ‘tree planting or awareness creation event’ in remembrance of this year’s World Environment Day for no fees.

❤- The love for our environment, creation of a sustainable ecosystem service that supports life can’t be taken for granted if we must live and coexist in peace and harmony, is really a collective responsibility.

#Let’s do. #lets beat air pollution.. #lets plant at least 3  trees preferable those that have greater economic and environmental values.

#Happy World Environment Day in advance..

M'thetu Lungu, Malawi Councils of Churches (SAFCEI FLEAT 2)

Actions for faith-based organisations and faith leaders can be found at

Ahead of World Environment Day on June 5, Green Anglicans have released a special 6-page guide providing Sermon and Liturgical resources, and have also shared a new Manual on Care for Creation for Youth.

Find these resources here:

The Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group - ESRAG has partnered with UN Environment to create the World Environment Day handbook, a resource that shows Rotary clubs how environmental sustainability has the power to impact all six areas of focus. I hope you find a way to use these suggestions for your next club project.

For more information about World Environment Day and events planned, visit