Strong Hearts Retreat - 10-12 May 2019

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A place with more answers than questions

Swim out into the living air between the forest branches,

There is something tangible here.

The air is full, new-made, clean, rich, sweet, Redolent with the fragrance of eternity, and

Thick with the silence hidden In a thousand high-low bird notes,

In the kiss-song of cicadas.

You’re flowing through

The openings between things;

That lithe, inquisitive part of you,

Unbound by space or time,

Slips easily into the invitation.

This soul

Inhabiting the light space around my body,

Intertwining with the space around each tree, bird, heartbeat, breath,

Dreams a landscape

Where exploration does not end and

Every view is better than the one before and suddenly

These words are hopeless and inadequate;

Silence, like a breathed balm,

Peaces me to stillness.

Poem by John Roff

Strong Hearts Retreat - 10-12 May 2019

Join the Strong Hearts retreat from 10-12 May in the Karkloof forests. Nature experience for the soul...

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