Response to President Zuma’s State of the Nation Address.

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SAFCEI supports the president in his acknowledgement of the youth as our future.  Their success in the future will build on the legacy present generations leave them.  it is therefore deeply disappointing that the President continues to cling to nuclear, fracking and additional coal, quoting outdated 5 year old government electricity plans as a rationale.

While the president acknowledged the R140 bn investment that renewable energy has brought into this country, it is sad that he failed to mention the thousands of jobs that have resulted from the renewable energy programme to date, for example around 3500 direct job opportunities in the wind sector, or that the  1500 MW from these 32 renewable energy project have contributed to keeping the lights on over the past year.

We reiterate our call made on the eve of the SONA – review the nuclear decision, and to give power back to the people, to invest in renewable energy which will provide security for all the people of South Africa.

See press statement 11 February 2015: