Our Nuclear Vigil is spreading

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We are happy to announce that our Pretoria colleagues have started their own Nuclear Vigil in the Jacaranda City. The nuclear vigil began in Cape Town last year October and takes place every Wednesday from 7.30 - 9.00am in front of Parliament. The Pretoria nuclear vigil, which is to run concurrently with the Cape Town one, had its maiden run this Wednesday and our colleague, ... wrote this about the experience:

"People are very much interested in owning and shaping their own future and that is one without nuclear! We saw this as we began to engage with ordinary citizens on the streets of Pretoria; that this is a common vision.  Although this is a humble beginning, we look forward to igniting a stronger voice and hope that emerges from the people”.

We warmly invite all Pretoria EarthKeepers to join every Wednesday from 7.30 - 9.00am, outside the Department of Energy, Cnr Paul Kruger and Visagie Street. Wear religious attire if appropriate or an Earth Keeper T-shirt - posters & flyers will be provided by a SAFCEI volunteer.

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Bonus Ndlovu and Tsepo Hlasoa holding nuclear vigil posters in front of the Department of Energy in Pretoria

Nuclear vigil pamphlet