Multi-Faith Women’s Assembly Event Report Back

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As part of Women’s Day celebrations, SAFCEI held its first Multi-Faith Women’s Assembly on 24 August at the Muizenberg Civic Centre. The event was attended by 140 women from different faith communities and environmental activists.

Women came from 7 different communities in Cape Town and had several guests from out of town such as Atlantis, Stellenbosch, Paarl and Northern Cape which testify to the growing support and relevance of the work of SAFCEI. The agenda; To reflect and discuss how women can care for and protect the living earth given the current context nationally and globally. To learn and share about the impacts that women confront in their striving in dealing with socio-economic and environment issues. To make the SAFCEI circle of faith communities wider and encourage multi-faith engagement among women even after the session.

A woman interviewed said that this gathering was for her about talking together to preserve our universe, not just for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children. Active and lively engagement took place on issues of climate change, energy justice, water, electricity, animal care and food security..