The launch of 'Nukes? No Thanks!' at the Book Lounge, Cape Town

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Prayer by Bishop Geoff Davies 11 Oct 2017

It might be unusual to start with a prayer at the Book Lounge, but this is a SAFCEI event.

We come from a host of different backgrounds and traditions, Of faiths and cultures and languages and colours and incomes and education…

There is one thing we all hold in common: We are all totally dependent on the well-being of this planet, our only home.

That means we must look after it, care for it, protect it and live in harmony with it and the laws of nature. And so we offer a prayer to the source of all life and love – to that source of life and love we pray to in all our differing traditions – praying that those in power and with-decision making authority – and all of us - will make decisions that ensure the well-being of our only home, which in turn ensures our well-being.

We know the dangers of nuclear energy. We pray for a world that is free of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. And we pray that those in power will not – deviously or otherwise – continue expending valuable resources on nuclear energy. God has blessed us with abundant natural resources, shining on us daily and blowing in the wind. We pray we use the natural resources given us by God.

We also pray that world leaders will heed the call of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (Ican) to do that – to abolish all nuclear weapons.

And so we offer this prayer. Amen

Mike Kantey's book "Nukes? No Thanks! Five Arguments Against Nuclear Power" could not have been launched more timeously...

Posted by Stop the Secret Nuclear Deal on Saturday, 14 October 2017