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Introducing Newton Mwakabambo, a member of our Faith Leader Environmental Advocacy Training (FLEAT) Tanzania who represents the Moravian faith.

Newton is a founder of EnviCulture (Kyela Envirocare and Cultural Tourism) an NGO in Tanzania, Mbeya region, Kyela district. The NGO focuses on Environmental Conservation and Cultural Tourism in and around Kyela, enriching the village livelihoods with profit, and making a living from the natural resources that are available in the region.

Newton believes that tourism is about exploring the beauty of the environment, and the environment consists of both living and non-living things. He believes that tourism allows people to learn and understand creation, which makes it easy to understand the importance of nature conservation.

“Environmental conservation is fulfilling man's responsibility given by God to his people” added Newton.

Keep an eye on our website and social media for updates as we follow his journey!