FLEAT in Kenya

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FLEAT is meeting in Kenya this week and marked World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation by speaking on Radio Amani on the importance of Earth Keeping. We pray they keep inspiring their communities and keep spreading the important work they are doing.

Liz McDaid writes:

'FLEAT has been very active over the short time we have been in Nakuru. We spent the first day not only receiving input from Allen on local context in Kenya but also visited the experimental farm next to the guest house. Within the Kabarak estate, there is a university, a high school, primary school, a commercial farm, in addition to the guest house and experimental farm.

FLEAT found our visit to the farm very interesting and has resolved to write a feedback report for Kabarak.

Yesterday, we presented to a high school in the town of Nakuru. We were well received.

Today, we have all been able to present on Radio Aman, a local radio station run out of the Catholic Church in Nakuru.

And now Ndivile and McCarthy are presenting to a group in the Catholic Church. McCarthy is giving an input on climate change actions from an Islamic perspective, while Ndivile presented on bio-gas construction, including a gender perspective.'


FLEAT in Kenya_Sept 2016